How Do Jewish Charity Organizations Get Donations?

Jewish charity organizations urge donors to give money for social causes like supporting widows and orphans. Their objective is to educate people about their programs and how people can help poor and downtrodden families. For example, take the winter warmth campaign. Winter has arrived and the day when the temperature will reach freezing point isn’t far. On chill nights, you stay in your home, light a fire, and eat foods that give you warmth. Also, you have enough warm clothes to keep you warm on cool days. But not all are lucky enough to get warm clothes and blankets for winter. The poor families that have little to no money for buying winter clothes rely on Israel donations that kind-hearted people give. Here you can take the help of an NGO that can convince you that your money will be used to buy winter clothes for poor families. Also, you can pay a fixed amount to support a minimum number of families. For example, a donation of $75 is sufficient to provide winter clot...