How To Donate To An Orphanage In Israel?

If you want to do charity, you should support Jewish charity organizations that have been doing a good job to support the needy and poor. They run various programs to uplift the economic and social status of poor families. For example, take an adopt-a-wedding program that involves generating funds for the wedding of children of poor families. You will agree that there are many families that are unable to wed their children. But it doesn’t mean that they have no right to marry their kids. The good thing is that there are many kind-hearted people who take responsibility for funding the weddings of poor kids. You can also become a co-sponsor of a wedding by donating $500 to this cause. Or you can donate to an orphanage in Israel . It is the place where kids who have lost their parents due to diseases, war, or due to any other reason are kept. These kids live in a shared facility and they enjoy their life to the full. They go to school, play, make friends, and marry when they are grow...